Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Demons exist in every level of second life

Demons exist in every crack and crevice of the globe. In Japan the are called oni, in India devas, in England bogies and in Scotland gyres; but by any name, fiendish spirits are up to no good. Demonologists throughout the ages have tried to sort out a hierarchy of demons, leaving a morass of definitions in their wake. It is generally agreed that, although certain similarities exist, we pitiful humans have no way of knowing whether we are dealing with a good spirit or an evil one. To be on the safe side, one should expect the worst. According to Guazzo's Compdenium Meleficarum (1608) there are six families, or genera, of demons.


The first are demons who dwell in the upper air and will not touch ground or cause trouble until the Last Judgment.

Aerial The second are devils who stir up the atmosphere and cause turbulence, storms, hurricanes, and thundering tempests as they try to destroy mankind. These creatures may descend into Hell and will make themselves visible to humans if called upon to do so.
Terrestrial Living in forests, glens and knolls, these hellions lay in wait for unexpecting passersby. One is apt to find them in a lonely field or behind a rocky outpost, giving false directions to lost travelers. Off all the families, these demons are the most common; they live secretly among people, mimicking their habits and befriending them in order to learn their darkest secrets and betray them.
Aqueous Living in oceans, rivers, and streams, these powers of darkness raise storms at sea, sink ships, and drown swimmers. Associated with mermaids and the sirens from the Iliad, they frequently appear in seductive female forms. Their leader is the ignominous beast Leviathan.

This batch of demons lives in caves and caverns and harasses miners and other workers who toil beneath the earth. They are the source of earthquakes, wildfire, and dry, hot winds that scourge the earth.

Heliophobic The final breed of demons are the most malicious. Homicidal and merciless, these demons only appear at night and, with one blast of their noixious, icy breath, will kill a person who has the misfortune of running into them.

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